Andrew Rovenko

Andrew Rovenko

An unintended photography project, born out of the intended family time in Melbourne’s 6th lockdown, when everyone had to find their own way to keep going. Small things. Small wins. Like making a space helmet for your child fascinated by the night sky. And a suit.

Too bad that the novelty of a costume doesn’t last. Stories however, seem to have worked since forever. So we took the costume and went looking for stories. The good thing is that stories can be found anywhere, be it the 5km travel limit or your bedroom. The bus stop or the laundry.

These photographs are the memories from the stories we found. The lockdown has now ended. We’ll outgrow the costume. But the time spent together exploring and imagining is one special gift to keep.

Who could imagine that our little family project would resonate with so many people around the globe.
It's a privilege to know that it's being seen and enjoyed, and even written about. Thank you for all your support.